
E D U C A T I O N A L   T E C H N O L O G Y  D E P A R T M E N T
Ms. Pignatello, Educational Technology, S.T.E.A.M
Mr. Stevenson, Educational Technology, Multimedia Journalism Studio, & Website Design

The Garfield Middle School is a state of the art facility offering cutting edge technology for our staff and students. Administration continues to provide ongoing professional development for our teachers to stay ahead of the ever changing technology driven curriculum. We offer a variety of educational technology resources and programs.  Students have access to multiple technology platforms and equipment needed to meet the demands of the twenty-first century curriculum. 

For access to our online resources, go to the "For Students"
page and 
utilize what we have invested in your child's education from home!

 Facility Technology Capabilities
2 Educational Technology Labs

1:1 Laptop Initiative
 1 Multimedia Video Production Studio
4 3D Printers
Promethean Panels in Every Classroom
Theater Sized Movie Screen/LCD Projection
Wireless Access Points in Every Classroom

Educational Technology Curriculum 
Digital Photography Elective
Graphic Design Elective
Multimedia Journalism Studio Program
S.T.E.A.M Elective
Website Design Elective

Educational Technology Software & 
Discovery Education
Microsoft Office 365 Accounts for all Staff and Students
   Online Textbooks
Websites for Every Teacher